Sharing cookies with him is the best moment ever.. <3 |
On thursday, 20/1/2011...
We leaving for BP around 1.00pm.. Tpi seblum tu sempat singgah jap kat umah Adiey n tgk adik bongsu die yg bru je sebulan melihat dunie.. Asyikin nmenye.. Hangin ah si Far dpt tau aq g tgk baby tu xajak die.. Bukan ape yunk.. tgu my bibi lambat sgt.. kate pkul 12 na dtg,mau bjanggut aq tgu die.. huhu.No wonder la lambat~ die g smoke dulu kat KP. Mau penampar free ke bang?? I decided to go BP with him because i think this is one of the ways i could show him how meaningful he are in my life. So mybe i should get to know his cousins n his friends. We leaving by Aaron's car. Bibi n i sit at the back as Kiki is sitting with Aaron at the front. We drop by at one of the chinese restaurant which sells Beef Pau. They have a grab of it but i just have a drink.. Manela tau kut2 xhalal ke pau tu.. haha. Time are flying too fast sampai rase mcm bru je duduk dlm kete dah sampai BP. Okay,actually mse kat BP lagi dah enjoy the taste of the cookies tu. Mmg sedap hingga menjilat jari kaki. Huhu. Sape2 yg cagu,tolong jgn makan cookies ini ye.. LOL,
The first shop we enter, Dees boutique. Mmg ni kire 1st time laa aq msuk chinese punyer fashion line. Cari punyer cari, cookies gak yg aq jumpe. Anytime anywhere, bibi n i will take a bite on the cookies. Ignoring wht people will think seeing me walking with 4 chinese boys, 1 chinese girl.. Who else joining us? Um.. Aaron, Kiki, Ah fei, Benny aka Ah Chong, bibi n i..While the others busy looking for their chinese new year stuff, im having my own moment with him We play hide and seek,feeding the cookies to each other and teasing. What is new, we were holding hands.. hihihi. Adela satu aunt ni,selambe die jek promote baju kat kedai die pd aq.. Biase la tu tpi yg pliknye,confident gile die g cakap mandarin ngan aq.. aq senyum2 kude je la kat situ. Then bibi dtg n cakap sumtin kat aunt tu. Die pun terus 'sorry,sorry'.. haha. xpela aunt. I'l take that as compliment. Pecah perut si ah fei tu gelak tgk aunt tu yek2 je ckp ngan aq. Aq sepatah haram pun xpaham. kui3.. Dah penat2 berdrama kat kedai tu,kitorg pun g la minum kat ground floor. Bibi's having Peanut Blended. Mmg sedap gilew. Aq plak Apple Snowy Juice. pon sedap gak.. Time ni, Aaron duk depan aq. Ah fei seblah bibi, bibi seblah aq, aq seblah kiki, kiki seblah Aaron. Ah chong? tgh2 Ah fei n Aaron. Ah fei tatau aq xske smokers. Die pun wat ah muke dek je smoking depan aq. Bibi plak wat lawak. Die jadi my slave dgn setiap kali smoke tu almost reach my face, bibi akan tiup smoke tu g tmpat lain. Kire cam buruh pakse la die nak tgu sebatang rokok tu abis.. Dah semerbak bau kacang pulak.. Thanks sweetie pie..
Dah boring, kitorg g Summit plak. Dah idup segan mati tamau dah Summit tu. 99.9% kedai cine.Time kat sini,xla se-awkward kat BP mall. Aaron dah start soh aq tolg pilihkan shirt untuk die sbb Kiki dah hilg ntah mane. Aq je yg berkepit ngan bibi. Okayy.. what had i learnt is Ah chong is absolutely into purple n pink colour. Sekali tgk, die mmg mcm jambu sikit. Tpi agak susah la nak communicate dgn die sbb die tatau English n Malay. So aq kene ah amik kursus Mandarin ngan bibi jap bfore talking ngan ah chong. Aaron pun slightly into purple.. My bibi,red n black. Mysterious n brave.. Ah fei, green is always the first choice. Ntah camne,tibe2 aq dlantik menjadi fashion advisor dorg.. Dah aq plak yg sibuk2 pilihkan t-shirt n matchkan dgn short. Senang hati je dorg bayar kat counter. My bibi da mcm boring aq xlyn die. Alalala syg, sekejap ye. Frankly,aq lebih suke spending my time with bibi n share our cookies rather than help the others shopping for cny. But atleast, i must make they like me so it is easier to convince bibi that races is not an issue. Okayy?
Im already exhausted.. tpi dak2 ni abg2 ni semangat berkobar2 je nak shopping. dah maghrib dah ni yang oi.. udah2 le tu. Aq pun mke an excuse n tke my bibi away from them. Finally, we have our time to be together. Just us.. Me and You.. Stand close,hold each other hands, stare into each other eyes... makes the world not moving. I still have the cookies, so does he. Enjoy the bite!! walaupun dah makan byk cookies,xla plak kenyang.. cookies mhl, tatau ah ingredients pe.. kasih syg maybe. haha. Ah chong pun offer ah diri die nak belanje air. Ingatkan cool blog tadi.. Air mineral je?? haus punye psl,tibai je ah. At the last store, msg2 muke dah mcm tempe basi.. penat punye psl. Em,i just want to see the smile that could light up this whole town.. aq pun wat ah lawak penutup.
Bibi tgh tgk short..
"anne,ini seluarr bannyak pendek. lutut juga kasi sampai. kalau anne beli mau, amma bule discount kasi."
" :) yela tu sayang. im just check it out mmuacks"
" abis, ape anne mau bili? jauh juga kasi datang amma punye kedai"
'' :) you.. can or not?"
"anne ade duit ke mau bili amma? amma limited edition juga"
"im poor cine ahpek haha"
"aiyoyo,ini macam la ahpek. amma kasi kira.. Once touch,consider sold"
Ah fei yg dtg dari langit plak menyampuk.
"amma, ini ahpek gemuk tinggal sini ala muleh x?"
"ey,quai dian.. we must reach klg before 10pm." <aaron
Dinner kat KFC..then xbrape kenyang plak.. Makan agi kuew tiau tomyam kat kedai siam. Peh,merah padam muke aq lps hirup tomyam tu sehingge ke titisan trakhir. Bibi xyah cakap ah,bru 3 sudu dah carik ice cream McD. Satu sen pun xyah kuar kalau jln dgn dorg. Kan best..
Yang ni,xbrape best nak citer. Nape? sebab before blik tu,bibi ask me to wait for him at Aaron's car. Then he left.. joining the group have a smoke. Time ni gak ah aq rse bengang tahap babi laut. Automatically,mate coklat aq ni bagi renungan maut kat bibi. Maaf ye awak,psl smoking.. sy xleh compromise dgn awak. Tpi die membelakangkan aq time tu. Even Aaron dah gtau kat die yg tlinge aq tgh berasap ijau nampak die smoking(aq rse ah sbab aaron ckp ngn bibi smbil tunjuk2 kat aq), die tak pandang aq langsung pun. Okay fine. masuk je kete,aq trus letsk shopping bag kat tgh2 as a divider between me and him. Right after that,aq trus kawan baik dgn tingkap,means aq xpndg die ah.. He slowly move the shoppg bag and ask me to seat next to him.. the place where i seat before. I moved, but still nt looking at him. I could feel his breath on my neck.. "sayaaanggg,are you okay?".. "im fine,thank you".. "look at me baby please.. were you mad at me? im sorry sayang".. Ish,dah berkolam dah mate ni. Be strong Wawa. Aaron plak tolg jdi spy.. tgk2 aq kat cermin mcm aq xnmpak je.. "sayaanggg.." then, i could feel his hand move and hugs me from behind. My heart beating rapidly. He put his chin on my shoulder and whisper.." im sorry,my baby". He hold me tightly. "its okayy..." then i moved. I look at him, staring deeply into his eyes.. "can you promise me one thing?".."yes sayanngg".. "promise me you will stop smoking before cny"... dead silence. "do you hear me?"..."i'll try my best sweetheart".. I could see honesty in his eyes. "okay..im giving you my full support"..."thank you honey.."..
Everything backs to normal.. "sayaangg".. "yes bibi".. "can i have your cookies?".. oh,i still have some. "here..eew, u smelly".. mmg baju die bau rokok. so evrytime he moves closer, =P.. pwekk.. After Aaron send Kiki home, my bibi driving his car to send me.. We reach kluang about 10.03pm.. but i dont wanna go home. Why? i will be missing him.. "err,can we go somewhere else? i dont feel like wanna go home. Is it okayy with you?" "okayy..where do you wanna go?"... "anywhere".. tu yg tetibe je kitorg g umah karan.. umah aten.. umah cikgu fabo.. Aaron's laundry shop hehe..10.20pm,he park his car in front of my house. Enjin dimatikan.. sunyi sepi... pokok bergoyang2.. dah pulak mcm crite seram.. paham2 jela.. umah blakang hospital.. mcm2 ada..
Me "im sorry..."
"its okayy.."
"thanks for everything"
"your welcome.. syg dont angry ok?"
"baby dont merajuk ok?"
"mane ade...."
"syg dont be sad know?''
"haha..as long as u r not smoking,i wont :)"
''abis tadi tu?"
''saje nak mengade hehe"
"memang pun..:)"
"***x you still remember wht i said just now right?"
"yeah..il do my very2 best sweetie" <hold my hands,look into my eyes,move closer until i could fel his breath
"even if u xsyg i,u must stop.."
"okay baby.."
11.00pm,aq pun msuk. tolong jangan jelous ye readers sebab malam tu mmg cantik,full moon,sejuk n sgt romantic. Thanks again my sayang..