Monday, February 7, 2011

He's in my mind..

I want to post his name in fb as my status..
But wht makhluk-2-alam ni update kat blog die psl fb buat aq rse.. em,xpyhla.
So i ended up "i am the pearl's sweet" post. Er,thanks gak kat  makhluk-2-alam tu jugak yg melabelkan aqdgn name tu.. cute je bunyiknyer.. Ececeh.. If any of you wondering ader aper dgn The pearl itu? okayy..
Once upon a time, haha.. dulu mse form 5 ader 1 english novel yg mmg wajib kitorg bce. cuz nak xnak,novel tu gak ah yg kitorg kne jwb dlm spm nti.. kire pakserela la ni. So,to make it more intersting, english teacher mintak kitorg sketch novel tu n perfom mse assembly. And my bibi represent The pearl. And dri situ la dtgnyer The Pearl's sweetheart. 

Ckp psl post-post kat fb ni.. Ish,xphm btul apsal la my pearl tukar relationship status die WIDOWED. Em,ape yg aq ngah pikir skrg... mgkin die xmove on lgi. 3years dgn ex vs. 3weeks dgn aq.. mmg ex die menang kot. Shoot, this is hurt yaww.. another post yg mengukuhkan instinct aq, "why should i fret when you are having the time of your life over there? Its time i should stop giving a fuck anymore..." It is so obvious kan??

Tadi rase mcm byk sgt nak tulis.. tpi bile pikir psl the pearl,out of mood pulak. Kentang goreng betul ^^,

Will update later,
Missing the pear badly.

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